“Personal, Social and Learning to Learn” was set as a key competence in 2018 by the Council Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning. The LifeComp framework regards “Personal, Social and Learning to Learn” as a set of competencies applying to all spheres of life that can be acquired through formal-informal, and non-formal education, and can help citizens to thrive in the 21st Century. These competencies have been established following thorough literature research and several consultations with experts and stakeholders. LifeComp has nine competencies with three descriptors each. LifeComp can be used as a basis for the development of curricula and learning activities fostering personal, and social development, and learning to learn. The description of the competencies can help in exploring its implementation and be contemplated as the embryo of a continuous discussion with teachers and educational policymakers.
Ref: https://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC120911
LifeComp is a conceptual framework. It is non-prescriptive and can be used as a basis for the development of curricula and learning activities.
The framework describes nine competencies (P1-3, S1-3, L1-3) that are structured in 3 intertwined competence areas:
Social, and
Learning to learn
Personal area
P1 self-regulation
Awareness and management of emotions, thoughts, and behaviour
P2 flexibility
Ability to manage transitions and uncertainty, and to face challenges
P3 wellbeing
Pursuit of life satisfaction, care of physical, mental and social health, and adoption of a sustainable lifestyle
Social area
S1 empathy
The understanding of another person’s emotions, experiences and values, and the provision of appropriate responses
S2 communication
Use of relevant communication strategies, domain-specific codes and tools depending on the context and the content
S3 collaboration
Engagement in group activity and teamwork acknowledging and respecting others
Learning to learn area
L1 growth mindset
Belief in one’s and others’ potential to continuously learn and progress
L2 critical thinking
Assessment of information and arguments to support reasoned conclusions and develop innovative solutions
L3 managing learning
The planning, organising, monitoring and reviewing of one's own learning