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Master Trainer

  • 2 Steps


Interest in the Finnish education system and pedagogy has grown, particularly in the light of Finland’s excellent placement in the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). CCE provides an inclusive, in-depth hybrid (Online +F2F) course, where participants have the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of Finnish pedagogy and then lead the schools willing to adopt it. The Master Trainer Certificate follows the complete process, from beginning to end, of creating a training program. Beginning with design, then moving through development, delivery, and presentation, our program optimizes your facilitation and leadership skills. It emphasizes the alignment of necessary technical knowledge and soft skills to help you transition from a technical expert to a strategic leader. Through the program, you work with our experienced instructors and learn how to create effective training programs for learners of all different styles.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app


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